Welcome to TBW!

The Ultimate Transformation

Brownsburg, IN

Mon - Thu: 8:30am - 4:30pm | Fri: 10am - 2pm | Lab Hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm

You asked for it, you got it.

Starting in August we will now be offering

Wellness Memberships

The best way to stay on course with your wellness is to stay consistent. Wellness memberships allow you to stay on top of your energy, immune function, joint pain without the hassle of thinking ahead.


Memberships include:

  • Vitamin D injection (best if kept up once monthly)
  • 2 Tri-Immune injections (best if done bi-weekly)
  • 4 B12 injections (best do weekly!)
  • A Myer's Cocktail IV drip
  • 4 cryotherapy sessions


In addition, Wellness Members will have EARLY ACCESS to our annual gift card sale, discounts on supplements and retail items, as well as discounts on any upgrades to the above services.

Click the LEARN MORE button below find out for more info including payment options, or stop in today to get signed up!


Total body Wellness

Total Body Wellness Brownsburg brings a new and innovative approach to health care and wellness to Hendricks County and surrounding areas with a mission to provide preventive health that optimizes wellness from the inside out, giving patients access to personalized medicine.

Learn More About TBW


Effective 3/10/25 we will no longer be on a waitlist to see our nurse practitioners. All of our practitioners, with the exception of Ashley Regal and Ellie Branagin, will be accepting new patients. Please allow up to 72 hours for us to respond to a request. Otherwise, if you have any questions or want to book your appointment call us at (317) 286-3147.

new Cryo Therapy Service!


Our Team

We have a solid team of professionals ready to serve you and your wellness needs.

Meet our Team


We believe in preventative medicine to avoid costly medical procedures & improve our clients' overall quality of life ...

Learn More

What's new

Check out our recent services and offers to help you look & feel better.

New Services

Feel better. look better. be better.

An Investment in Yourself


why choose

Total Body Wellness



“The service is worth my travel time.  I travel an hour and half and recommend Crystal.  She is trustworthy, honest, such gem to be around. I have been so pleased with every service I receive. She always goes above and beyond to help me and understand the procedures and process.”

“I am so glad that I was referred to Ashley two years ago.  She actually listened to me, ran the appropriate labs and discovered that I had Hashimotos.  She also assured that I was not "going crazy".  I am now on the right supplement regimen, have lost nearly 45 pounds and feel so much better than I did prior to seeing her.  I receommend TBW to anyone and everyone!!”

“I have been seeing Ashley for about 3 years now and I can truly say she has changed my life. I have my PCOS and weight issues under control, I have regular periods regardless of my PCOS, my thyroid is working beautifully and I am no longer pre-diabetic. It didn’t happen overnight and it took work from my end but the journey has absolutely been worth it!”

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